Linn County Democrats Progressive Caucus
Progressive Caucus Activities Have Been Suspended Until 2026
Linn County Democrats Progressive Caucus Constitution
I. Preamble
Vision Statement
Ensuring that the voice of Progressive Linn County residents are heard, we will bring together like minded Iowans both to elect leaders who will respect and improve life for all Iowans.
Mission Statement
Work to advance the following agenda:
- Promote justice, dignity, and peace for all people.
- Tackle systems of oppression and dismantle structural discrimination.
- Take on systems that privilege the wealthy and powerful to demand a government and economy that work for all people.
- Support the election for candidates that support this agenda.
We believe that:
- Reproductive Healthcare: All Iowans have the right to make decisions about their reproductive health care.
- Oppose gun violence: All Iowans, especially our young people, deserve to live free from gun violence.
- Universal Healthcare: Healthcare is a right and not a privilege for the wealthy only and support single payer universal healthcare.
- Climate Change: Climate change is an existential threat to humanity and should be addressed now.
- Public Education: Every child deserves a quality education with no public dollars spent for tuition on private schools.
- Economic Justice: All Iowans deserve economic justice, tax fairness and an end to homelessness.
- Government Overreach: Government should not be able to take private property for the benefit of a private company or remove individual freedoms guaranteed by the constitution.
- Safety: All Iowans deserve an environment that is clean and safe. and that All have the responsibility to protect our water, air, soil, and all other natural resources.
- Equality and Unity: All people are equal and deserve equal treatment and accommodation regardless of color, creed, gender identity, marital status, mental disability, national origin, physical disability, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.
II. Membership
- Any Democrat registered to vote in Linn County Iowa is eligible to be a member of the Caucus.
- Non-members are welcome to attend but are not allowed to participate in voting or speak to the group unless by invitation of the membership.
III. Officers and Leadership
- The Executive Board will consist of the following officers: Chair, Vice Chair and Recorder.
- Duties
- The Chair will preside over meetings, appoint committees and be an ex-officio member, draft agendas and distribute, represent the Caucus at party meetings and provide reports of activities.
- The Vice Chair will act in the absence of the chair and perform any responsibilities as assigned such as: moderating meetings and managing media during meetings.
- The Recorder will be responsible for tracking meeting attendance, recording motions and votes, and taking notes as needed.
- Any registered democrat who is a resident of Linn County Iowa is eligible to be an officer of the Caucus. Elections are held by March 31st of even numbered years.
- The Executive Board will appoint officers to fill vacancies on resignation or removal. Officers who do not participate for 6 months in meetings will be considered to have resigned.
IV. Meetings
- Meetings will are held at a frequency determined by vote of the members.
- A quorum consists of a minimum of four members, two of whom must be officers.
V. Finances
- Funding for expenses may be requested from the Linn County Democratic Party Central Committee. Donations may be made through the Linn County Democrats and designated for the Rural Caucus.
VI. Committees
- Ad-hoc committees may be appointed by the chair as required.
- Charters will be provided for any appointed committees.
VII. Amendments
- Amendments may be made to this document by reading the proposal at any meeting and voting on changes at the following meeting after adequate notice to members.
- Changes require a vote of 2/3 of the majority of those in attendance either physically or virtually.
VIII. Ratification
- This constitution was ratified and adopted on 03/12/24.
Meeting Time and Location
Location: TBD
Dates: TBD
Time: TBD
Please help out our Caucus and consider donating to the Progressive Caucus for upcoming initiatives. From time to time our initiatives and activities require funding for expenses. To offset those expenses you can donate to the Progressive Caucus initiatives via Linn County Democrats Central Committee(LCDCC) donation site. One time or ongoing donations can be earmarked for the Progressive Caucus. These donations will be tracked and be a part of the LCDCC organization’s treasury. Use of these funds will need approval by the LCDCC.
A good example of recent expenses was the upgrade and repair of the LCDCC parade float. Expenses ran over $400 and donations helped to defer these costs.